Iranian President warns Trump of "mother of all wars"


  Iranian President warns Trump against

Rouhani assured that Iran will respond to threats with threats and will not be intimidated.


The Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned today USA that the beginning of a conflict with the US Iran would imply "the mother of all wars" so he recommended this country "do not play with fire" .

The power of Iran is dissuasive and we have no conflict with anyone. The enemies must understand that the war with Iran is the mother of all wars, "said Mr. Rouhani at a ceremony with Iranian diplomats.

The President pointed out that the Iran will respond to threats "with threats" and will not be intimidated by the speech published on the website of the Iranian presidency.

Addressing US President Donald Trump advised him:

Does not Play not with the tail of the lion, he will regret it ", an expression in Farsi fire

Trump retired last May in the United States two of the 2015 multilateral nuclear agreement with Iran and imposed new sanctions on Tehran, which will come into effect next August and threaten to sink the already battered Iranian economy.

Failure of the Nuclear Pact

A measure that aims at for Iran to abandon to two of its red lines: its ballistic missile programs and its regional influence.

We will pay costs but we will get more benefits, "said Rouhani, yesterday rejecting the supreme leader, Ali Khamenei Washington

Negotiating today with the United States means nothing of more than capitulation and the end of the achievements of the Iranian nation.If we surrender to a harassed liar like Trump, they plunder Iran. "

In his speech, Rouhani also alluded to the statements made by many US officials to encourage internal protest movements against the Ayatollah regime.

In this regard, he considers that the United States is not able to "provoke the Iranian people against the security and interests of Iran", despite the fact that in recent months have been marked by demonstrations and economic strikes.

Trump was confident that the Islamic Republic will accept his conditions and will contact him to reach a new agreement because he has "a lot of problems and his economy is sinking."

The 2015 nuclear agreement, signed by Iran and the 5 + 1 Group (United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom, France and Germany), limits Tehran's atomic program by exchange of lifting international sanctions, but this The counterpart is now in the air because of Washington 's measures.


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