Iron Maiden returns to Mexico with his tour "Legacy Of The Beast"


Iron Maiden will return to Mexico on September 29, 2019 with the Tower of the Legacy of the Beast. The first part of his tour started in Europe earlier this year with great critical success.

The British heavy metal band, founded in 1975, will offer a concert at the Sports Palace. "We are delighted to return to Mexico City and share the Tower of the Legacy of the Beast with all our friends there! "
commented the band's singer, Bruce Dickinson, in a statement.

The British press and rock media, including the newspaper The weather (United Kingdom), noted that it was an "extraordinary show filled with world-class theater (…) a performance and staging of master

The production and list of songs from the tour are inspired by the mobile game of Iron Maiden of the same name, available on iOS and Android platforms.

Tickets will be on sale next Friday, November 16, via the Ticketmaster network.

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