Is taking natural juices good for your health?


If you want losing weight and improve your diet, you surely have recourse to natural gamesbut do you know if they are good for your health? Then we explain.

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Fresh fruit juice has become a staple for many diets, especially for health-conscious consumers who are looking to save time by preparing their food without losing their nutrients.

In addition, the juices have been associated with the idea that they can help losing weight and one "Detoxify" the body.

All of this has made juice extraction an extremely lucrative business. In fact, the world market for fruit and vegetable juices was valued at 154 billion dollars, in 2016, and it is expected to grow, according to information from the BBC.

But are the juices really so in good health how do we think?

The importance of fiber

"In the fruit juice almost all the fiber is eliminatedSaid Emma Elvin, senior clinical adviser to the charity Diabetes UK.

That's why the fructose in juices it counts as "free sugars", a group that includes honey and sugars added to foods.

The problem is that once the fiber is removed, the fructose juice It is absorbed faster.

Sudden increase in blood glucose causes pancreatic release l & # 39; insulin to bring it back to a stable level. Over time, this mechanism can be exhausted and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes is increased.

In 2013, a group of researchers analyzed information on the health of 100,000 people, collected between 1986 and 2009.

The result was that because liquids pass from the stomach to the intestine faster than solids, even when the nutritional content is similar to that of whole fruits, juices cause more marked and faster changes in glucose and insulin levels.

Another study revealed a relationship between fruit juice and Type 2 diabetesafter following the diets and diabetes status of more than 70,000 nurses over an 18-year period. Again, fiber was a possible explanation.

And the vegetable juiceAlthough they can provide more nutrients and less sugar, they lack fiber.

green fruit juice January 28, 2019
Green juice (Getty Images, file)

Green juice (Getty Images, file)

The high fiber diets They are linked to a lower risk of developing coronary artery disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes. Adults are advised to consume 30 grams of fiber per day.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that adults avoid consuming more than 30 grams of added sugars per day, which equates to 150 milliliters of fruit juice.

General Surplus

In analyzing 155 studies, John Sievenpiper, an associate professor in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at the University of Toronto in Canada, proposed to clarify whether the relationship between sweet drinks and health – Including the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease – also applied to the foods and beverages that we usually consume as part of a healthy diet.

As a result, he found negative effects on blood sugar in fasting and insulin, when foods contain an excess of calories from sugars, including fruit juices.

However, when there was usually no excess of calories, there were some benefits in fruit consumption and even juice.

Sievenpiper concluded that the recommendation of the 150 milliliters of juice a day, which is the average measurement, is reasonable.

Is there a so-called "raw" cigar?

Although we know that fruit juices can cause diabetes, if you take high calorie dietIt's less clear how the juices affect the long-term health of those who are not overweight.

We still know a lot about how risk increases with increasing dietary sugar without gaining weight, "said Heather Ferris, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Virgina.

He adds that "the time and capacity of the pancreas to keep pace with sugar depend in part on genetic"

But we have a greater risk of consume more the recommended daily amount of Calories (between two thousand for women and two thousand five hundred for men) the days when we drink juice, according to research.

Many studies have shown that taking fruit juice does not mean that we eat less throughout the day.

Healthier juices

A study published last year could have found a way to make the healthier juices.

The researchers used a mixer which, unlike traditional centrifuges, extracts the whole fruit juice, including the seeds and the envelope.

They measured the effects of a mixture of fruits and peeled mango during a crossing "Nutrient extractor" compared to another group that consumed the whole fruit.

Those who took the nutrient extract had a lower blood sugar increase than those who ate only mixed fruits. There was no difference between those who took the mango juice and those who ate the whole mango.

But this was a small study and the researchers did not compare their findings with juices prepared by another method, such as squeezing the juice and leave the envelope and the seeds.

Gail Rees, professor of human nutrition at the University of Plymouth and researcher at the study, says these findings are likely the result of: include the seeds in the juices. But, it's hard to offer specific advice based on the study, he adds.

photo orange juice January 28, 2019
Orange juice. (Getty Images, file)

Orange juice. (Getty Images, file)

I would certainly follow the current advice of 150 milliliters of fruit juice a day, but if you used a nutrient extractor at home, it could keep blood sugar levels relatively stable, "he says.

The fact is that while leaving the seeds in the juice can helps with digestionFerris adds that this does not necessarily have an impact on the level of satisfaction.

Using seeds or fiber is "better than a traditional juice," says Ferris.

Another way to improve the health effects of fruit juice is to look at ripe fruit to retain their possessions as much as possible, according to Roger Clemens, professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the University of Southern California.

In addition, it is important to take into account that extraction methods it works better with some fruits, Clemens discovered.

Grapes, for example, have most of their phytonutrients in the seed and very little in the pulp. And most of the beneficial phenolic and flavonoid compounds of orange are found in the shell, which is lost in the traditional extractions.

Demystify detoxification

A common argument in favor of fruit juices is that they can help Detoxify the body.

However, the only medically recognized use of the word "detoxification" refers to the elimination of harmful substances like drugs, alcohol and poison.

In addition, juices are not a panacea for nutrients, nor the ideal way to comply with the recommendation of five fruits a day.

People try to eat five fruits a day and do not realize that it's not just about getting the vitamins, "says Ferris." It's also important to reduce the carbohydrates in grains, proteins and fats in the diet and increase fiber consumption. "

So, although the fruit juice is better than the total absence of fruit, there are limits. The risk exists when we consume more than 150 milliliters of sugars a day or when we transmit the recommended calories.

Fruit juices have vitamins, but they are not a quick fix.

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