Is there a relationship between cancer and the radiation of our cell phones? (VIDEO)


Study shows how radiation from our mobile devices could affect our health

A survey conducted by the US National Toxicological Program revealed the existence of a link between radiation and cancerous heart tumors after conducting a thorough study in rats.

The experts have obtained evidence that male rats exposed to this type of radiation, similar to that of mobile phones, cause carcinogenic problems.

According to the portal EurekAlert, this type of cancerous tumors was detected in male rats and no such association was found with female rats or both sexes.

However, John Bucher, a member of the research team, said that "we can not compare them directly to what humans experience when they use a cell phone" because rats have been exposed to this type of exposure throughout the body.

"On the contrary, most people are exposed [a la radiación] with specific local fabrics near where they hold the phone. In addition, exposure levels and duration of our studies were higher than those of people, "explained the researcher.

Although the level of exposure used for research is equal to the maximum possible that can be in contact with cell phone users, it is very rare or common to reach this level during its use, but the researchers confirm that there is a link between radiofrequency and tumors in male rats.

On the other hand, they also discovered that the radiation-exposed rats had a longer life, which could be due to "decreased chronic kidney problems," said toxicologist Michael Wyde.

An important aspect is that this study started years ago, at the time of the boom of 2G and 3G telephony, which means that no specific study has yet been done for the emergent telephony or the influence of Wi-Fi on health.

Source: Mvs News

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