Isabel II and her husband will not go to christen their sixth great-grandson today


LONDON (EFE) .- Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, Prince Felipe, will not be attending today the baptism of their great-grandson, Prince Luis, the third son of the dukes of Cambridge, Guillermo and Catalina, reported today Buckingham Palace

The palace stated that the decision "is not due to health reasons" and was agreed a long time ago with the dukes, who will be accompanied by other members of the family and friends at the private ceremony Royal Palace of St. James

The 92-year-old queen is due to return today from the English county of Norfolk to attend celebrations in central London on the occasion of the centenary of the Royal Air Force (RAF). In addition, Friday, he will receive at Windsor Castle, on the outskirts of the capital, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and his wife, Melania, who arrive in this country Thursday. an official visit.

statement, the Buckingham Palace gave the details of the baptism, which will take place from 15.30 GMT and will be celebrated by the Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Anglican Church, Justin Welby.

Prince Charles and his wife will be present, Camilla, the Dukes of Sussex, Enrique and Meghan, parents of Catalina, Michael and Carole Middleton, as well as six friends of the couple who will act as godfathers and husbands respective.

Prince Luis, who was born in the past On April 23, at St. Mary's Hospital in London, he will receive for receiving the sacrament a handmade replica of the baptismal shawl worn for the first time once the firstborn of Queen Victoria for her baptism in 1841.

used for all the royal baptisms, including that of Elizabeth II, all her children and seven of her eight grandchildren.

But, to preserve the original shawl, the monarch commissioned his creator Angella Kelly a replica that has been used since 2008, when he created Queen's eighth grandson, Jaime, who holds the title of Viscount Severn .

The third son of the Dukes of Cambridge, fifth in line of succession to the British throne, will be watered with Jordan's water on baptismal font "Lily Font", 19th century, detailed Buckingham Palace.

The sixth great-grandson of Elizabeth II will follow in the footsteps of his older brother, Prince George, whose ceremony also took place at St. James Temple, although that of his sister, Princess Carlota, was took place at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Sandringham, in east of England.

At the end of the religious ceremony, The Dukes of Cambridge will offer a reception at Clarence House, residence and office of Prince Charles

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