Isco asks Madrid to stop crying for Cristiano Ronaldo


MADRID.- Isco Alarcón, Real Madrid midfielder, has requested that stop remembering the Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo for the few goals scored by his team and said that they can not "be crying for someone who does not want to be" in the white club.

"He's been talking about Cristiano all season and we can not talk about those who are not Bale or Carvajal I miss when they are not, we can not look for a solution outside the club, we have to look in the locker room because there are solutions It's enough to do a lot of goals, we can not be crying for someone who does not want to be here, "he said.

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According to the avant-garde, Isco has just returned after overcoming appendicitis and "a slow process of recovery", showed his desire "to help the team", recognizing that he had returned "earlier than expected" and needed to "regain his physical tone" . Without him, Real Madrid would not have won a match and his return has not mitigated the crisis of results.

"We are very calm and have many responsibilities, we are the first to give everything and when we do not get the desired result, we go home very crazy. The responsibility belongs to everyone, not just to the coach", Isco defended.

Isco admitted that in the locker room are "worried" about the poor performance, five games without a win, and he deems it necessary "to seek a balance to qualify the defensive errors that cost the parties and refine the face to face". These are the keys that, for him, mark the path of Real Madrid.

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