Israel resumes bombings in the Gaza Strip


The Israeli army continued its attacks on several "terrorist targets" in Gaza this Saturday when anti-aircraft sirens were reactivated in Israeli communities adjacent to the enclave and after firing last night, Palestinian militias of at least 31 projectiles on its territory.

The army reported in a brief statement that she was "attacking terrorist targets" in the Strip this morning, when anti-aircraft warnings in the Israeli regions of Shaar HaNeguev , Eshkol and Hof Ashkelon have reappeared. strokes of the band.

The new series of Gaza bombings follows a night of shelling on "several military positions", including "a complex used to prepare incendiary terrorist attacks", a training center and two tunnels north and south of Gaza. enclave, after the launch of 31 Palestinian missiles, 6 intercepted by the Iron Dome missile system.

"The attack was perpetrated in response to the terrorist acts perpetrated during yesterday's violence along the security fence, in addition to the continuous arson that daily damages the Israeli territory with the launch of Balloons of the Strip " declared the army, which accuses Hamas of these assaults.

Resistance "will not hesitate" to respond to aggression in Gaza

Fawzi Barhoum, spokesman for the Islamist movement that has been de facto controlling the gang since 2007, said in a statement that Hamas "is sending a clear message (Israel) balance of rapid deterrence to force the enemy to stop the escalation. "

His armed wing, the Azedin al-Kasam Brigades, blame the Israeli authorities completely" for further attacks against Gaza "and warns that" it will pay a high price for its stubbornness ".

Meanwhile, the Islamic Jihad movement, the second largest in the band, assured that "the resistance will not hesitate to respond to any aggression against Gaza" and affirmed: "The time that s & # 39; 39 is elapsed without answering is finished. "

There has been strong tension on the demarcation line since the beginning of March 30, of mobilizations calling for the right of return and the blockade imposed on the Strip, during which 139 Palestinians have died, most of them dead. Among them protests, in addition to violent incidents near the border.

Israel considers that the Islamist movement Hamas uses these demonstrations to infiltrate and commit "terrorist" attacks.

Similarly, since the beginning of the protests, Palestinians regularly launch incendiary balloons and comets that have caused hundreds of fires and caused extensive damage to Israeli farmland.

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