Issues IMSS recommendations for dengue fever – LA PRENSA DE MONCLOVA


Saltillo, Coah.- The stagnation of water is the first cause of mosquito proliferation whose bite transmits dengue, so preventive measures are recommended to avoid becoming a victim of this disease that causes the fever, severe headache, bones, eyes, nausea and vomiting, among other manifestations.

The epidemiology specialist of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Ciro Francisco Serrano Sobal, reveals that of the two types of this disease, the most common, colloquially, it is called "trancazo" or "fever" lammers "; the second is haemorrhagic.

Among the other symptoms, which appear after a period of four to seven days after receiving the picket, are rashes, itching, lack of appetite and abdominal pain. In severe cases, bleeding, fever attacks and severe dehydration are added

On the other hand, he explains that the preventive actions are aimed at avoiding the proliferation of the mosquito and for this it is necessary to remove all containers where it is possible to accumulate. rain water, eliminate garbage daily, constantly wash containers such as water tanks and cisterns, use larvicides to eliminate young mosquitoes; In general, keep the house and surroundings in optimal hygienic conditions.

Wear clothes that cover most of the body, are not exposed to stings, use a repellent, install mosquito nets on doors and windows.

Before the appearance of the manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to go to the doctor so that the corresponding examinations are carried out and that the best treatment to be followed is determined; put aside self – medication which, far from being beneficial, can cause more problems.

Rest and taking enough fluids are the first medical recommendations for successful healing.

The rainy season has already begun and this means the possibility of water stagnation, which is why it is strongly advised to join prevention measures for the benefit of the whole family.

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