It does not hurt the flu vaccine | Debate


Guamúchil, Sinaloa.- It's a myth that the vaccine against influenza injured, it does not cause any disease, informed the head of the sanitary jurisdiction No. 3, Luis Víctor Velasco Zayas.

The manager made a call to apply the vaccine, especially to pregnant women. "We need to vaccinate this target population one hundred percent, regardless of the quarter, because we will have children protected for the first six months of life"he said.

He explained that this vaccine protects people from influenza infection and thus reduces the risk of a major problem in the population.

The head of the health court said that the population of Alvara had responded very well to the application of the vaccine, but that the fear of contracting a disease persisted because of the myth that it could cause a problem of health.

"The flu vaccine is unable to produce a disease, it is composed of subgenetic units, it is highly purified and provides protection against the virus, but there are many myths that their only goal is to reduce scope of vaccination endangering the health of the population, "Velasco Zayas said.

Women and children are a priority area, as the protection of pregnant women in the quarters protects children for the first six months of life.

We have to vaccinate this target population to one hundred percent and in doing so, we are blocking the doors of disease entry and thus protect everyone, "said the owner.

The health officer of the city invites the population to visit any public health facility or to go to the special brigades that go to their homes using this type of vaccine.

In this note:

  • Guamúchil
  • Vaccine
  • Influenza
  • Disease

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