It is maintained in 20 liters of premium gasoline in the capital – NSS Oaxaca


Oaxaca. In the vast majority of gas stations in the capital, the cost of the high-end gasoline liter keeps the ceiling of 20 pesos, which not only annoys users, but the alarm.

And this is in the service stations located in the Colony of the Reformation, the price of fuel was already higher than the dollar price, while in a minimum of petrol stations like Fonapas, the price of the liter was set at 19.99 cents.

A few years after the energy reform of the release of gasoline in the country, increases continue unstoppable and currently fill a 30-liter fuel tank for a compact vehicle comes out at 600 pesos.

While refueling the gas tank of a truck from 65 to 70 liters, costs the user an average of 300 pesos, which translates into an average of 16 days minimum wage.

The value of fuel has reached one of the highest since the Regulatory Commission of ergía released the price of gasoline in Oaxaca in November 2017.

Recall that the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) authorized a tax of 4.59 pesos in the special tax on production and service, but it was adjusted down to control the increase.

The price of Mexican gasoline will move constantly, that is to say that you can find a price at 7 o'clock in the morning, another at 12 o'clock and the same evening the same day see another, and in the same gas station.

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