It seemed like just a fever, her baby lost her legs and arms


Indiana.- A lost baby half of his four the members as a result of a strong infection that is unknown to their doctors.

To tell about his family, it all started with a simple fever and resulted in amputation of the the members of his baby.

One day before the fever began, they had visited a park. After the fever became so persistent that the child was taken to the Riley Children's Hospital.

It was like a fever, her baby had lost her legs and arms. Illustrative image: tomaszpropixabay

It was like a fever, her baby had lost her legs and arms. Illustrative image: tomaszpropixabay

A few minutes after entering the hospital, purple spots sprouted on the hands and feet of the child.

The child's health quickly deteriorated and was the subject of various analyzes. However, they failed to determine the bacteria that attacked it.

The bacteria caused "purple" and the doctors determined that she was going through a shock septic, so he was treated with antibiotics.

The child did not respond to medication and amputation was necessary, so his family told the story of Go Found Me in search of resources to continue their health care.

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