Italian media say Hector Herrera will arrive in Rome in January


Héctor Herrera's career in Europe continues to grow. During his stay in Porto, the Mexican managed to consolidate and become one of the most important elements of the staff of the Portuguese team. He became the captain of the dragons. A few months ago, it was said that several more reputable teams had tried to use their services. Rome, Italy, could be the next team of "HH" and claim that she would have reached an agreement with the national team.

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According to information published by the Italian media Football Italia, the wolf team reportedly offered a four-year contract to the national team, which would be formalized in January of the following year. It is also mentioned that Herrera would arrive at Italian football in a month. free, because the Mexican contract with the dragons ends on June 30 of the following year and does not intend to be renewed with the Portuguese club.

Herrera's current value is over $ 22 million. According to the portal specialized in transfers, Transfermarkt and other big clubs would also have shown interest in Mexico, but the Roma would have taken advance negotiations.

For his part, the representative of the Mexican player, Gabriel Moraes, in an interview for "LAROMA24.IT" strongly denied the rumors of negotiations and said that they were still talking about a possible renewal with Porto.

"I deny the rumors that speak of an agreement with Rome for my client, I see newspaper articles about it every day, but I tell them that there is nothing real At the moment, we do not know if we are going to renew with Porto, we are discussing with the club, but I can tell you that many clubs have been interested in Herrera during this period, although no agreement has been reached. has been concluded. "

With information from ESPN


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