Italy could not sign the EU migration agreement


Rome.- Italy could refuse to endorse the conclusions of the European Council meeting held in Brussels on Thursday and Friday if the agreements on the issue of immigration are not considered satisfactory, warned today the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe. Tale

"If we do not find the availability of other European countries, we could close this Council without approving the conclusions," Conte told the media on his arrival in Brussels, capital of Belgium

. Request from Rome to distribute with compulsory quotas in the other countries of the European Union (EU) immigrants without asylum who land on Italian territory.

"We have arrived at this European Council with reasonable proposals and in line with the European spirit and principles, we do not accept the downward commitments," added Conte

. He insisted that Italy "has always shown goodwill" and that in the face of the migratory emergencies that it has had to face in recent years, it is the occasion for the others European countries to finally demonstrate this solidarity in the facts. "

Italian demand, however, is rejected by the Visegrád group countries (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia), and also for France and Austria, the next rotating president of the country. EU

Rome indicates "shared management" of immigrant landings and, according to the Italian media, Conte demands that the conclusions of the meeting of the European Council remain He has established the possibility to distribute in other countries to undocumented rescued in the Mediterranean

This would institutionalize the models applied with the ships Aquarius and Lif eline, which saved hundreds of migrants, but was not allowed to land them in Italy, and had to go respectively to Spain and Malta.

Rome also calls for overcoming the Dublin Treaty which states that the immigrant or refugee must process the asylum application in the European country where you landed ez.

Asked about the possibility that Italy would come back on the conclusions of the meeting in Brussels, the Italian Prime Minister said that it was "a possibility that I do not want to consider ", but that could be achieved if they are not satisfactory.

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