Italy expects more countries to receive rescued migrants


Another shipment of food and drink for a day was en route for a couple of military ships on the Sicilian coast Sunday, while Italy hoped that more European countries would commit to accepting a part of the hundreds of migrants on board. before letting them land in Italian territory.

Germany has agreed to receive 50 migrants, after France and Malta, from other member countries of the European Union, did the same on Saturday.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said he will ban more rescued migrants in the Mediterranean from landing in Italy, unless other European countries do not. Also agree to accept them.

Salvini, who heads the right-wing Northern League party in Italy's populist coalition government, told reporters Sunday that "the goal was fraternal redistribution" of the 450 passengers rescued on military ships.

"The ultimate goal is that no one leaves Libya in the smugglers' boats," Salvini said Sunday.

More than 600,000 migrants have been rescued in the central Mediterranean and taken to Italian territory in recent years. Many of them were economic migrants unfit to receive asylum. Because their home countries often do not facilitate the process of deportation, Italy has had to welcome many, although thousands have left Italy to look for work or relatives in northern Europe.

Finding countries that accept to receive migrants who want to apply for asylum and who are on military ships off Sicily, in the middle of a heat wave, could take a long time .

Some of the products delivered on Sunday were baby food, milk and fruit juice.

A fishing boat left Libya on Friday, led by smugglers of about 450 migrants, sailed to the small island of Linosa off the coast of Sicily, passing through the areas of research and development. rescue of Malta and Libya.

On the coast of Linosa, a ship belonging to the Frontex European Border Agency and an Italian border security boat rescued the migrants and took them to beaches on the outskirts of the Sicilian port of Pozzallo.

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