Italy threatens to veto the EU Migration Pact


European Union (EU) leaders want to cordon off the EU's borders to satisfy populist governments and create landing areas for migrants outside of Europe, but the government Italian announced that it would block any deal that would not meet your demands.

From Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned in Parliament that asylum policy will define the fate of the EU.

Harassed by his allies of the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) and his Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, who threatens to break with his government for his immigration policy, the head of government defended the need for a political consensus of the refugees and did not act unilaterally and send them back to their country of origin without prior agreement.

Merkel will take this position at the summit of EU heads of state and government that began yesterday in Brussels and will end today.

The stumbling block of the summit is Italy, whose Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that he hoped to move from solidarity shown by his partners to "concrete facts" and that 39, it did not exclude a veto on an unsatisfactory agreement.

"Italy does not need verbal statements, but concrete facts – it's the right opportunity," said Conte when he reached the top.

The Italian government proposes to create centers for migrants outside the 28 EU countries and to quickly decide who can be received as a refugee.

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