Italy: Venice undergoes atypical floods that cover 70% of the city | Natural disasters | | World


Venice He suffers from historical floods. 70% of the city's canals are ravaged by floods of water that reach 156 centimeters due to a storm system that produces strong winds, rain and high tides, officials said Monday. local.

It is true that the inhabitants of Venice are accustomed to this type of flood called & # 39;high acqua& # 39 ;; The city has been surprised by a level of water unmatched for ten years.

The strong winds pushed the water of the lagoon Veneta. Thus, despite the fact that Monday's water level reached nearly 61.5 inches, the highest level since December 2008; the floods are still expected to peak and reach 160 centimeters. A fact that no longer occurs since December 1979.

Given the scale of the disaster, the courses were canceled. And the iconic Plaza San Marcos was closed to tourists.

Floods in Venice: a disaster that could have been avoided

The mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, said a series of underwater barriers erected in the lagoon, known as MOSE Projectthey would have avoided the flood. The project is long overdue due to cost overruns and corruption scandals.

"MOSE would have helped at this event," said Bob Henson, Weather Underground's weather and climate blogger. "The water levels now reach 61.5 inches, which would have resulted in the 43.3-inch MOSE door closure."

Acqua top in Venice

The & # 39;high acqua", which translates literally into Spanish as" high water ", is a high tide that occurs when specific weather conditions occur, such as strong winds blowing from the north Adriatic Sea, the moon in its full phase or new , and an atmospheric depression

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