It's the country that "produces" two billionaires a week


Can you imagine that a nation was made up of several millionaires? China alone has "produced" two billionaires a week in 2017, according to a report by the Swiss bank (UBS) and auditors of the consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the BBC reported Friday.

The net increase in the number of billionaires in this country, with a wealth of $ 1.2 trillion, was 318 to 373, the survey says, adding that the level of turnover is high.

Globally, multibillion dollar wealth has risen 19% to a record $ 8.9 billion, spread over 2,158 people.

"Over the last ten years, Chinese billionaires have created some of the world's largest and most successful companies, raising the standard of living," said Josef Stadler, Head of High Net Worth at UBS Global Management.

"But this is only the beginning." China's large population, technological innovation and productivity growth combined with government support offer unprecedented opportunities for people not only to start businesses, but also to change the lives of people to improve them. "

The UBS and PwC reports indicate that there are more billionaires in Asia than in the United States. In current trends, they will be richer than their American counterparts in three years. In 2016, there were only 16 Chinese billionaires, but today, one in five billionaires is Chinese.

The report notes that 97% of China's billionaires have gone through sectors such as technology and retail.

The North American region is still home to the greatest concentration of millions of dollars of wealth, but wealth creation is slowing down. In 2017, the United States created 53 new billionaires, up from 87 five years ago.

In Western Europe, the number of billionaires increased between 17 and 414 in 2017.

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