It's the key to making sex amazing once and for all – NSS Oaxaca


Experts have been trying for years to unravel all the mysteries behind the pursuit and fulfillment of desire and pleasure .

Sex has long been an immeasurable universe that has worried scientists and on which absolutely everything has been written. Researchers have spent years trying to decipher the mysteries surrounding our sexuality and to analyze a range of factors, both psychological and physiological, that directly affect our sexual health. The goal is other than to make our relationship an increasingly pleasant experience

What is the key that opens the doors of pleasure? What are the factors that influence the loss of desire and cause the waste of many relationships? Laurie Mintz, a professor of psychology at the University of Florida, has spent years studying the different psychological causes that influence female and male sexuality and emphasizes that the quality of sleep and rest hours is essential to both the pleasure that we experience in relationships. "Lack of sleep can cause sexual problems, and lack of sex can cause sleep problems," says the expert in an article published in The Conversation.

As Mintz says in his article, several studies have shown that sleeping well can cause an increase in sexual desire. For example, a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2015 noted that an increase of one hour in the duration of sleep corresponded to a 14% increase in the chances of participating in sexual activities on the day following. But the thing does not stop there: "The results show that women with a longer average sleep duration report better genital arousal than women with a shorter average sleep duration," say the authors of the report. # 39; study.

Women, as this work indicates, are those who experience a greater decrease in sexual desire because of insomnia or stress at work. A fact that Mintz attributes to hormones. "Insomnia and stress are the result of the release of cortisol, and cortisol lowers testosterone.This hormone plays an important role in the libido of women and men," says the expert. men have significantly more testosterone than women. Therefore, if we consider testosterone as a substance accumulated in a reservoir, the released cortisol can empty a woman's reservoir, but only manages to halve the man. "

This does not mean that men's sexual desire is not also significantly reduced.In fact, insomnia can be the source of various problems associated with erectile dysfunction.This was noticed in 2009, another work published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, which noted that sleep apnea has contributed to erectile dysfunction and a general decrease in sexual functioning.It is to say that in the field men are also less effective because of lack of sleep, which causes them to experience high levels of frustration.

Paradoxically, what happens in bed? It does not happen – this also affects our sleep and may be the source of recurrent insomnia as well as an important source of stress.In fact, experts have repeatedly proven that cortisol levels, the hormone-related anxiety, decrease after orgasm. ire occurs with oxytocin, the hormone of love and happiness, which after orgasm is triggered, generating not only feelings of attachment to our partner but also improving our sleep.

Thus, rest seems to be a great ally when it comes to stimulating desire and obtaining larger doses of pleasure. But not only that, having good sexual health can also affect our overall well-being. The bedroom and everything that goes well can be the best aphrodisiac and, at the same time, the best relaxing.

* El Español

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