Ivanka Trump announces the closure of her clothing brand; will make White House policy


MEXICO (AP) – Ivanka Trump, daughter and advisor to US President Donald Trump, announced the closure of his clothing brand after leaving the company to work with his father at the White House at the beginning of his mandate.

"After 17 months in Washington, I do not know when I'll be back or I'll go back to the world of fashion, but I know that my goal for the future will be the work I'm doing here at Washington. "It's the only fair option for my team and my partners," said Ivanka in a statement.

The case of Trump's favorite girl has been limited in recent months to reduce Possible Violations of Ethical Laws and Reducing Perception that Ivanka took advantage of her role in the White House to improve the performance of her business.

"I am more than grateful for the work of our incredible team that inspired so many women among us and me Although we will not continue our mission together, I know that each of them will prosper in its next chapter, "added Ivanka.

Since arriving at the White House, Ivanka Trump played a role important in women's initiatives and has been a protagonist. the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem, to which she participated with her husband and also advisor to his father, Jared Kuschner.

"After 17 months and without delay for her return, Ivanka made the difficult decision of being fair. A representative of Ivanka Trump's fashion line said in a statement

that the company added that the license agreements will not be renewed and that those who are in force, they will continue their race.

The militant style of Trump in the electoral campaign and as president has led the family brands to political struggles , some supporters organizing events in the luxurious rooms of the Trump International Hotel and opponents of the boycott of family businesses.

In early 2017, retailers such as Nordstrom Inc., Sears Holdings Corp and Kmart have drastically eliminated or reduced their variety of Trump brand products, although they generally attribute these decisions to poor sales instead of political motives.

Ivanka Trump's trademark said in a statement that retailers such as Bloomingdale's, owned by Macy's Inc., Dillard's and Amazon.com, were continuing their products. ] With information from EFE and Reuters

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