James Gunn fired Guardians of the Galaxy 3


  James Gunn fired

The director of Guardians of the Galaxy and soon volume 3, is James Gunn rejected by Marvel Studios and Walt Disney.

In a story that no doubt surprised the locals and aliens, director of Guardians of the Galaxy 3 James Gunn is returned by Marvel Studios for the third part of one the most successful movies that the house of ideas has created.

Jack Posobiec a political activist who declared himself ultra-rightist and a follower of Donald Trump's politics. On July 20, Posobiec released the following image:

As you can see, this is a series of tweets that this person has collected from James Gunn, the vast majority of tweets of 10 years ago, in which the director made jokes that included themes of rape and pedophilia.

Wednesday, James Gunn would make the following statement via Twitter :

"Many people who have followed my career, know that when I started, I saw myself as a provocateur, making movies and telling scandalous and taboo jokes. As I have said many times in public as I developed as a person, my work and my humor have made it

That is not to say that I am better now, but very different from what it was a few years ago Today, I am trying that my work is based on love and connection and less on anger.My days trying to say what it was just because it was shocking and shocking to have a reaction of the people are finished.

But then, a few days later, Alan Horn made the following statement that The Hollywood Reporter resumed:

The offensive attitudes and statements [sobre pedofilia y violación] found on James Gunn's Twitter account are indefensible and contrary to the values ​​of our study, and we have broken our working relationship with him, "said Walt's President Disney Studios.

Jack Posobiec, a few minutes ago he celebrated:

What is striking is that it is not the first time that he is trying to criticize the past of James Gunn, the director in 2012 (while he was there). did not even that the volume 1) was victim of attacks of several months. posts on a blog where I used inappropriate language towards gays, lesbians and women.

"A few years ago, I wrote blog posts supposed to be satirical and funny.Rereading them, I do not think they're funny." The humor attempt in the blog does not represent what I think now "

So, why did Disney Co. take so long to react to James Gunn's humor / behavior? Do they currently live in Hollywood? Was pressure from the ultra-right sector a factor?

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<p>  Stanley Kubrick said: "To have a broader vision, do not look only at the good films, but also the bad ones". I obviously paid attention to them in the second and it is very funny. this note, Cine PREMIERE recommends: </span></p>
<li>  Film name 1 </li>
<li>  Movie name 2 </li>
<li>  Name of the serie </li>
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