Japan is preparing for the arrival of the typhoon & # 39; Jongdari & # 39;


Japan prepares for the arrival of the powerful typhoon # Jongdari ", which is expected to touch the earth Sunday in the central or western band of the archipelago, area still very affected by recent torrential rains that have left more than 200 dead

L & # 39; Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) warned Saturday that the strong typhoon could affect the region of Tokai in central Japan, between the night of that Saturday and early Sunday and is expected to maintain its intensity, reported the local Kyodo agency.

The JMA also warned of potential landslides and floods, particularly in western Japan, which were also whipped by heavy rains at the beginning of the month

On the Pacific coast more than 80 millimeters of precipitation per hour is expected for the next hours.

Seg "Jongdari", the twelfth typhoon of the season in the Pacific, was at 13:40 local time (0440 GMT) about 170 kilometers southeast of the island of Miyakejima, on the east coast of the island of Honshu, the most populous of the archipelago

The typhoon moves about 45 kilometers per hour in the northwest direction with gusts maximum of about 180 kilometers per hour.

The JMA expects that & # 39; & # 39; Jongdari & # 39; Approaching the southern tip of the Izu Peninsula, south of Tokyo, around 9:00 pm local time (12:00 pm GMT) and landing at dawn on Sunday at a certain point in the center or west of the city. Honshu Island

At least 152 domestic flights were canceled and sea traffic was suspended in Japan before the arrival of the typhoon Jongdari, according to local chain NHK .

Forecasters ask for the maximum of ifon '# Jongdari & # 39; Approaching the main island of Japan.


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