Japanese cannibal compares human flesh with sushi


The fact goes back to 1981, when the Japanese Issei Sagawa murdered and mistreated his roommate Renee Hartevelt. Subsequently, he ate and shocked by his statements.

According to RT, Issei confessed that he was in agreement with the woman to translate a text into German, said that he had tried to kiss her and that she had refused . At that time, he pulled out a pistol and shot the student while she was on the back.

After making sure that she was dead, he began to mistreat her, cut off her body to pieces and eat it. In turn, he took pictures while doing the act.

"The meat melted in my mouth like sushi. I could never think that it was so exquisite", Said the Japanese.

To try to erase the traces of his crime, he put the rest of the body in a suitcase and threw it into the lake of the forest of Bologna in sight, located on the outskirts of Paris. The suitcases were found because they were thrown in plain sight.

What is unusual in this case is that, despite the confession of the murder, he was sentenced only to two years in prison. This was attributed to a group of psychiatrists, who claimed that Issei was suffering from his mental faculties.

The story came to the big screen

A documentary was signed on the case, in which, in many cases, the perpetrator of the crime remained silent. He also has an illustrated book where he tells the scary fact.

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