Jeff Bezos is 53 billion more wealthy than you (and 24 other strange things we learned about him)


The founder of Amazon has come a long way.

11 min read

In 1994, Jeff Bezos then aged 30, left behind a six-figure salary on Wall Street as the youngest vice president of the Shaw investment bank. & Co. will start Amazon in Seattle. Now, he is eternally competing for the title of the world's richest man (surpassing Bill Gates at the end of July 2017), thanks to an increase in Amazon shares.

The co-founder and CEO of Amazon is also a fan of space and launched the Blue Origin company to explore it. Bezos is not afraid to try new things, like when he bought The Washington Post in 2013.

To learn more about the man, here's 25 rarities about Jeff Bezos.

See the confines of the universe

  Go boldly where no man has gone before

Image: Paramount Pictures

Bezos is a big fan of Star Trek and The Virtual Assistant of Amazon, Alexa, was inspired by the pop culture icon and even had a cameo like alien in Star Trek Beyond in 2016 Amazon was almost calling because of Captain Picard's slogan of the next generation

Larger Than Life itself

  Larger Than Nature

Image: 20th Century Fox

Made an appearance in The Simpson in an episode of 2008 where he and Mark Cuban (who also plays the same) meet with Mr. Burns to the Billionaires' Camp

A small step for a man …

  A small step for the man ...

Ima : Encyclopedia Britannica | UIG | Getty Images

Bezos is fascinated by the history of NASA's Mercury and Apollo projects, to the point that he funded and undertook an underwater expedition to recover the remains rockets.

the dream

  Living the dream

Image: Matthew Staver | Getty Images

Bezos lives his dream of childhood. He founded his Blue Origin space tourism company in 2000, decades after telling his friends and teachers that he wanted to be an "entrepreneur of space" when he was tall. That's already the case.

Sleep a little

  Get a closed eye

Picture: moodboard | Getty Images

Bezos does not use alarm to wake up and tends to sleep eight hours.

Looking to the Future

  Looking to the Future

Image: KatarzynaBialasiewicz | Getty Images

Apparently, Bezos has always had an eye on the future. According to The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and Age of Amazon biography of Brad Stone's CEO, while he was a little kid, Bezos disassembled his cradle with a screwdriver because he wanted to sleep in a bed.

Enemy Lines

  Behind Enemy Lines

Image: Noam Galai | WireImage | Getty Images

Barnes & Noble can "console himself" knowing that while Bezos was launching Amazon and wanted to rest from his garage, he was attending his store in Bellevue, Washington.


  A family man

Picture: Kevork Djansezian | Getty Images

Adoption is a big part of your family's story. Very young, Bezos was adopted by his stepfather Miguel Bezos and now has four children with his wife Mackenzie, three children and a girl who was adopted from China

Working on the farm

  Working on the farm ]

Picture: dhughes9 | Getty Images

Bezos spent his summers growing up on his maternal grandfather's ranch in Texas, where he did odd jobs, such as repairing windmills. His grandfather had worked in space technology for the Darpa project in the 1950s and was the director of the office of the Atomic Energy Commission in Albuquerque, NM

He had very ordinary jobs

  He has come a long way

Image: Joe Raedle | Getty Images

As a teenager, he held a cook-grill position at McDonald's and started a small summer camp for elementary students called the Institute DREAM.

Watching the Landscape

  Tourist Sites

Image: Andrew Baker | EyeEm | Getty Images

While settling in Seattle to launch Amazon, Bezos ensured to stop and admire the Grand Canyon and to inspire its change of life

Love Connection

  Bond of Love

Image: Alex Wong | Getty Images

According to his profile in Wired of the late 1990s, Bezos had high standards for the women with whom he was dating. "The number one criterion was that I was able to get me out of a third world prison," he said.



Picture: Tongshan | Getty Images

The native of Albuquerque attended Princeton, where he studied electrical and computer engineering. In 2011, he donated $ 15 million to the school to build a center for the study and treatment of neurological disorders



[19659107] Image: Vintage International

As expected, Bezos is a voracious reader. His favorite novel is The remains of the day Kazuo Ishiguro

The customer always comes first

  Priority to customers

Image: Manuel Breva Colmeiro | Getty Images

Do you have a question or a complaint for Bezos? Just write to [email protected]. When the e-mail arrives in your inbox, Bezos transmits the note to the employee who is best equipped to handle the request with "?" in the subject line. Then, once the problem is resolved, the team member sends a summary of what happened to Bezos so that he knows that the problem has been solved.

Intriguing Investments

  Intriguing Investments

Image: Plenty Farms | Facebook

Bezos has spoken extensively about his work experience at his grandfather's ranch when he was a child, and it appears that his agricultural background has influenced his investments. Bezos injected money into a vertical farming business called Plenty. The company is developing in 6 meter towers equipped with LED lights and which do not need ground or sunlight. Thanks in part to the investment of the founder of the Amazon, Plenty is about to establish 300 vertical farms in China

Unexpected design

  Unexpected design

Image: YouTube [19659004] Although Amazon today is a giant, he started small and Bezos had to be frugal and strategic even in the furniture of his office. Do you know what he's done to get cheap desks for him and for some of his first employees? He built them himself using wooden doors and four by four planks for the legs of the tables. These offices have become a tradition at Amazon, and Bezos and many employees continue to use a variation on these original desks over 20 years later. According to a recent blog, Amazon has even created the Door Desk Award to honor "well-built ideas that help to offer low prices to customers."

Be simple

  Keep it simple [19659004] Image: Wikimedia

With frugality as one of the central principles of Amazon, it is not no wonder Jeff Bezos is already the richest man in the world, Your personal transportation options remain simple. When the company went public in 1997, Bezos did not drop a ton of money into a stylish new car. On the contrary, he changed his 1987 Chevy Blazer, which he used in the early days of the company to deliver himself Amazon, for a Honda deal.

Near Death


Image: Douglas Sacha | Getty Images

Bezos experienced an impending death experience in 2003 while he was looking for the right ground to test the Blue Origin rockets. During an exploratory visit to Texas, his helicopter crashed and suffered minor injuries. He has recovered, but he will never come back on a helicopter. "Nothing particularly profound has crossed my head in these few seconds, and all I thought was" it's a very stupid way to die, "Bezos told Fast Company in 2004. "That has not changed my life Anyway, I'm afraid I learned a very tactical lesson: avoid helicopters as much as possible!" are not as reliable as planes. "

Google came early

  Start of the Google Part ]

Image: NurPhoto | Getty Images

Less than five years after the founding of Amazon, Bezos made an early investment that was a sign of its ability to identify opportunities. In the late '90s, he put one of his first million dollars into a project called "Google". Even though Amazon had not taken off as it had done, this bet would have been more than profitable in the long run.

His best friend

  Have we become best friends?

] Image: Mike Marsland | Getty Images

On the first weekend of April Dwayne Johnson's last big action film, Bezos turns out to be one of the biggest fans of La Roca

. Two that ended with an invitation from Johnson to Bezos to meet for dinner, we learned that the CEO has released the letter from Amazon shareholders this year from his couch, accompanied by a giant panda and that he's taking tacky selfies in front of posters of

It seems like it was only a matter of time before Bezos and Johnson became friends, since both are men of bald family who had a big impact on the culture.

Still on the subject of numbers

  Still talking about numbers

Image: Roland Birke | Getty Images

It seems that Bezos was continually thinking of ways to improve everyday processes even when he was in high school. According to The Everything Store, by Brad Stone, Bezos, 11, has created a ranking for all teachers who taught sixth grade in their school. It was not to qualify who was getting better, but how effective they were in teaching. Bezos distributed the survey among his classmates and then drew the results to find the best educator.

Towards the Stars

  Towards the Stars, Pocket

Image: Bloomberg | Getty Images

For Blue Origin to continue to operate, Jeff Bezos allocates $ 1 billion a year to Amazon shares in the aerospace company. A drop in the ocean for someone with a net worth of $ 127 billion, but in a recent interview, Bezos shared that the ability to explore worlds beyond our own was its absolute priority. He said that Blue Origin was "the most important job I do … I do not want the great-grandchildren of my great-grandchildren to live in a stuck civilization."

Stupid Wealth "src =" "/>

Image: REB Images

Currently, Bezos has a net worth of 146.7 billion, a sum that makes it 53 billion richer than any other living person.The next person on the list is Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft and neighbor of Washington state, worth just over $ 93 billion

Not always at the top

  Not always on top

] Image: Kevin Mazur | Getty Image

While Bill and Melinda Gates devote most of their time to philanthropy, in 2017, it was found that among the top 10 billionaires in the world, Jeff Bezos in Charitable Donations.

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