Jennifer Lopez wore a tight dress and let herself be taken in a public place | Alex Rodriguez | Hollywood | Celebrities | USA | Shows


Jennifer Lopez looks more in love than ever Alex Rodriguez, which can not help but succumb to the charms of the popular "Diva del Bronx". On this occasion, the couple was photographed in an exclusive jewelery store, where the baseball player touched his defeat in front of the singer, who did not flinch at all.

Jennifer Lopez's tight and provocative outfit put the loquito on Alex Rodriguez, who fell before the seduction and could not help putting his hand on the back of the curvilinear artist of "The Ring", one of his latest successes. The photo in question was posted on the Instagram social network.

Although the date on which the photo was taken is unknown, many Jennifer Lopez fans indicate that she was represented the day they chose the engagement ring and wedding rings, rumors that could not be far of truth, according to some specialized media.

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez would arrive at the altar, according to many international media devoted to following the Hollywood celebrities, later this year and it is thought that this could be achieved in an exclusive celebration in Italy, possibility that is not excluded after Suddenly the couple's trip to this country a few months ago.

Jennifer Lopez's photo was shared in the Jlorus Profile, Instagram, where feedback from millions of users quickly reflected in the comments section of the social network mentioned.

It should be noted that the families of Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez They were very successful in hearing. The couple enjoys his free time with his children both commitments and even Marc Anthony Paree agrees well with the couple.

Jennifer Lopez
(Photo: Instagram)

Jennifer Lopez

Currently, the couple is going through their best moment. however, they have not yet announced to the union leadership marriage proposal, so many people are wondering why they still do not decide to move on to the next stage of the relationship.

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