Jonathan asks the "louse"


He believes that he deserves another chance in the national team

The Mexican midfielder Jonathan dos Santos felt that it would be very positive that coach Miguel Herrera take over the leadership of the Mexican national team that he already headed to the World Cup in Brazil 2014.

Herrera left the bench of the Mexican national team after an altercation with a Sports reporter at the Philadelphia Airport in July 2015 after winning the Gold Cup.

"I've always had a lot of love for him." Miguel Herrera, is a good coach, but I can not say who will be the next coach, "said Los Angeles Galaxy club player .

He said that the new strategist of the Tri must show that he is interested in the project all the responsibility of what it means to be at the head of a national representative.

"The most important thing will be the good choice of the new coach, who agrees to the selection, whatever it is, will be welcome," said the midfielder. He stressed that it does not matter if he is Mexican or foreign, "that he feels 100% Mexican". "He feels the colors of the national team and he commands us well," he said.

In addition to Herrera, the names of Argentineans Matías Almeyda, Antonio Mohamed and Gerardo Martino, as well as Portuguese Luís André Villas were mentioned. -Boas, among others

The Volpe has already spoken

"Someone who can also be trained can be Tomás Boy and no one takes it into account", said in an interview the Argentinean Ricardo Lavolpe, another who seems to take

What do you think of Matías Almeyda ?, he was asked

"Almeyda, logically the achievements in Guadalajara and all, if it's ok, but I do not know if you know the idiosyncrasies of how he is here For me, technicians "enlighten" players, I do not share, "he said.

He added that the next coach Mexico should know the local player.

"You must know the Mexican player. It is not only about the football issue, but of a mental point. "

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