José Cardozo begins to move chips to Chivas


His desire is to get into liguilla title in order to prevent the institution from adding a third failure consecutively, but also José Saturnino CardozoHe was sincere, because whether or not to participate in the great Mexican football festival, he and his team of coaches have already begun planning the next tournament.

Cardozo knows that the hiring time at the end of the championship and the start of the other, the time is very short, so he wants to give his board a detailed analysis of what he believes to be strengthened, while leaving the names of the candidates to reach the fold

"Do not forget that I arrived after the transfer scheme, while the school was already armed, even working. What we are analyzing is first, think that Saturday is a final, a key game that we have and need to plan, that's normal, I would lie to you (if I say no) because it's the planning at the end I like to plan everything so that everything If we start well, it ends well and that is what we are looking for at the moment. "

Planning is an essential point, as the strategist sees it. He wants to save time while presenting a report and looking for a meeting with administrators to be on the same frequency.

"It's not long and logically we already have some players, positions in mind.I can not tell you because we must first meet the board of directors, Amaury, José Luis Higuera, and together we will analyze what we are lacking, the positions that we will have to support and the responsibility that lies with us. "

About the possibility of Alexis Vega arriving, the technician said he knew him perfectly, but it is not time to get rid of or affirm his interest for someone or for him in particular.

"Alexis Vega he's a player I've known since he was a child, we had him in Sous 17 de Toluca and we debuted in a Libertadores Cup. You have the peace of mind to define. Whether it comes or not, it is not the time to talk about it. We need to do a campus analysis. "

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