José José: Outraged! The ex-wife of the singer is unleashed against the series of the singer's life | Mexico | VIDEO | Photo 1 of 3 | Shows | International shows


The biographical series are in vogue and that which tells the life of José José did not go unnoticed. Despite its lukewarm acceptance, the controversy surrounding the story told in the series of "The Prince of the Song" does not stop.

Now, the ex-wife and mother of her first two sons of the singer, Anel Noreña, did not hesitate to criticize the production and assured that the series did not say not how he reached his ascent to glory.

"You have never spoken of your glory, of what you experienced as a prince my side and here I have your career, there are 30 records, 25 we did them together , with my blood, my sweat and my tears, "Noreña told the Mexican Ventaneando program.

"They wasted your story and my Telemundo contacts told me that the one who was saying everything was Sara, your wife.In the series, you can see all the hatred that he has for me, "added Anel with reference to the current couple of José José .

In the series, Anel Noreña is shown as a woman who had different romantic relationships and who lived it from feast to feast. In addition, they reveal that he had addictions.

"I have never been a neighborhood butterfly, no one came knocking on the door or all the baseness that a sick mind like that of your wife could have put, and if I do not blame you for everything, but you where you will have all the energy to be able to invent what you have invented in the series about me, "she said indignantly Anel . [ad_2]
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