José Saturnino Cardozo already has his base box in Chivas


José Saturnino Cardozo has already set his eleven for the duel against Xolos on Saturday. After a little more than a month of takeover of Chivas Paraguayan has already found his base table, which does not have much difference with Matías Almeyda . & # 39; Diablo Mayor & # 39; has already visualized his box with which he will debut, where he will maintain the pattern with which most of the team worked, with four defenders, four midfielders and two forwards.

  This was the case of Almeyda

The goal will be protected by Raúl Gudiño; the defense will be integrated by Van Rankin, Jair Pereira, Carlos Salcido and Edwin Hernandez. The midfielder will be Michael Perez, Orbelín Pineda, Isaac Brizuela and Eduardo Lopez, while the attackers will be Ángel Zaldívar and Alan Pulido.

Although minimal, there are differences between the schematics of Cardozo and ] Almeyda since the Argentinian had the habit of placing an attacker a little more delayed and another a bit more advanced, situation that will disappear for this Opening 2018 since the Paraguayan chose to put them online at the two machine gunners, although with specific functions

  This is The image of Cardozo

Another adaptation will be the area of ​​the field in which Javier Eduardo López will work, because with the Pelado played on the right side, but with the Guarani he will play on the left side, giving his place on the other side to Isaac Brizuela .

Other changes that he will make [194590] 03] Cardozo will have Raúl Gudiño; on the right, Van Rankin replaces Chapo Sánchez and Salcido, still wounded, instead of Oswaldo Alanís.

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