JP Morgan placed


Frida Lara

Mexico is a country in which investors trust, despite the political context, and in particular, the electoral process and the demonstration of C & Is the stability of the exchange rate and prices of the Mexican Stock Exchange said Eduardo Cepeda, CEO of JP Morgan Grupo Financiero . "It does not seem that people are more worried than them.Mexico continues to be a country in which people believe that their investments are safe," he said

José Oriol General Manager of Grupo Bolsa Mexicana de Valores BMV ]) stated that the country is already ready for this electoral process and that the stock market is stable.

"We do not see any unusual volume and, on the investment side, it's been a very good year, the last semester was one of the best we've ever had, and so far this year we've got 22 new names on the stock market, last year, the total number was 38, including debt, "he said.

In the future, Cepeda predicts that the Mexican economy will have a good performance.

"If Mexico continues on the path of the market economy and democracy, it will have more well-being.The emerging middle class – which produces a more manufacturing-oriented economy and less on the campaign – will produce larger Mexican consumers.If this improves the well-being of Mexicans, they will improve the businesses that meet their needs. "

JP Morgan announced his first placement of nine TEF (Exchange Traded Funds), variable income, in the International Citation System ( SIC ) of BMV . These investment vehicles seek to democratize investments in international markets and to obtain specific results and hedges, explains Juan Medina-Mora, representative in Mexico of the financial group.

Bosch noted that in 2013, 800 titles were listed in the CIS, Today, this figure has risen to 1,587 (780 shares and 807 ETFs). Thus, world market values ​​account for 40% of the 16 billion pesos that are traded daily in the BMV.

According to BMV figures, the value of ETFs listed on the stock exchange The Mexican currency varies between 40 and 50 million dollars.


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