Jr Tinieblas and Mystic Unite Against Epilepsy in Mexico: Your Doctor


In order to raise awareness and sensitize the Mexican population on epilepsy, the Mexican Association of Epilepsy Children and Adults AC (AMENA) in collaboration with the World Fighting Federation (FULL) have joined their efforts to seek better opportunities for patients suffering from this neurological disorder in our country.

on Mtra. Norma Hernández Executive Director of AMENA indicates that her goal is to take care of both the patient with epilepsy and those close to her and provide them with tools to overcome this. trouble

With sports, this has allowed us to assist and give medicine to people with few resources all over the country, so we want everyone to know how c & # 39; 39 is important. In addition, we care as much about patients as we do about loved ones because we want comprehensive care. "

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Smiles in purple in favor of epilepsy

According to the National Institute of Neurology epilepsy is a common disorder where about 70% suffer from children, who have symptoms such as seizures or periods of unusual behavior, which in some cases causes the unconsciousness and stigma of those who experience it.

To be able to propagate and support the fight against epilepsy, it was created # AMENA-FULL-ATEMPERATOR a movement that puts into practice actions and activities with the population in favor of this disorder, in order to raise funds through a function of special struggle and coexistence, where personalities such as Tinieblas Jr, Mystic, Pirata Morgan, among others will be present

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In this sense, the manager of the central nervous system line of Armstrong Laboratorios de México Omar Márquez reported that Atemperator is the most used treatment for epilepsy, which is why its participation in the promotion of public awareness about this disorder.

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