Juan Gabriel is alive and will reappear in December: former manager


mexico /

Joaquín Muñoz, former manager of Juan Gabriel, He assured that the singer-songwriter is alive and preparing to reappear before the media.

"He simulated his death, it's in a house that's good, comfortable and everything.We will find it next month.All is in preparation for it to be made public on the 15th," Muñoz said in an interview for the show. Intruder.

He claimed that on July 8 he was with Juan Gabriel and realized that his health was not the best because of his diabetes.

"At the moment, he is sick because he is diabetic, he was cutting his toe and he got stung, then he has pus and he is inflamed," he added. .

With regard to the legacy and struggle of the singer's assets, he asserted that the will has Juan Gabriel and so they can not keep anything since he is alive.

Many speculations have been made about the singer after his death. Ricardo González is among those who say they are alive. Cepillin, who also said he was hiding in a house in the Bahamas.


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