Julian Asange: US Justice Mistakes Secretly Prepared Charge Against Wikileaks Founder | World | USA


Washington. Prosecutors United States accused the founder of Wikileaks, the Australian Julian Assange, in a secret procedure that was revealed by mistake, according to the Washington Post.

In a letter to a judge that was made public, US deputy attorney Kellen S. Dwyer urged the government to keep the case Assange "because of the sophistication of the accused and the advertising that surrounds him".

"It is likely that no other procedure will keep confidential the fact that he has been charged," said Dwyer, who asserted that this would continue to be the case until such time as Assange finally stop it.

"Scoop: the Justice Department has revealed" accidentally "the existence of classified indictments (or a draft of them) against the publisher from Wikileaks Julian Assange, in an apparent "copy-and-paste" error in an unrelated case, "posted Wikileaks on his Twitter account.

We do not know what is imputed to Assange, although in the past United States he has been investigating charges of conspiracy, theft of government property or violation of the law on espionage because of the great leak of Wikileaks in 2010.

One of the lawyers AssangeBarry J. Pollack told the Post Office that "the only thing that it would be more irresponsible to blame someone who would have published accurate information would be to put in a public document information that does not exist". Was clearly not intended for the public and without warning Assange"

"Obviously, I do not know if they really charged or what, but the idea that federal crimes could be charged for publishing truthful information is a dangerous precedent," he said. he added.

Ecuador welcomed Assange at his embassy in London in 2012, when he was accused of sexual assault in Sweden.

Although the case in Sweden has been filed, Assange He is still being held at the legation for fear that his departure will cause an extradition request from the United States. and his immediate arrest.

Source: EFE

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