Julio Furch deplored the departures of Néstor Araujo and Carlos Izquierdoz de Santos


Néstor Araujo will be introduced this Friday with Celta de Vigo, while Carlos Izquierdoz is already officially Boca de Juniors player.

Torreón, Coahuila (PressPort) –

At the end of the presentation of the new skin of Warriors of Santos Laguna Julio César Furch assured that the victims of Carlos Izquierdoz and Néstor Araujo will be very difficult to cover, although he knows that both players had new goals to fulfill. In addition, he stated that they were waiting for the addition of new players for the Opening 2018 .

"Pesan durísimo, one of captain (Izquierdoz) and the other, one of the Mexicans who had more continuity in Selección (Araujo) .It obviously hurt them, but we wish them the best because we know that they have very important challenges in their careers, we are waiting for new teammates to come in and create a new team to face this tournament, "he said.

With regard to the captain's badge, which left vacant Carlos Izquierdoz defined that the strategist Robert Dante Siboldi did not still defined who will be the successor, although Furch considers that there are high-ranking elements that could assume this role.

"The truth is that I do not know, this topic has not been discussed, I think that the staff must decide.There are some great people who have been captains in d & # 39; 39 other teams and who can also take the lead of this team I really do not know (if I had to take the captain position), I do not see myself at this moment, but if I have to represent the group, I will do, I have no problem, but I think that there are more experienced people.the Argentine striker.

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