Julión Álvarez thanks the fidelity of his disciples


During the last two years, Julión Álvarez has lived many things, ranging from the personal question to the professional question; Above all, a legal procedure with the Mexican and American authorities.

The artist has been involved in requests, investigations and scandals, but the loyalty and support of his supporters throughout the Mexican Republic have been demonstrated.

At the closing of the October festival in Guadalajara, the singer proposed a show with several innovations on the stage, as far as a corridor allowing to get closer to people, even one who was outside the main forum from the Benito Juárez Auditorium.

The Mexican regional singer Julión Álvarez and his Norteño Banda sang "with the people and for the people" at the closing of the 53rd edition of the Fiestas de Octubre.

In a different scenario, placed at the center of the ring in the main forum, to give a 360-degree show, the original Chiapas singer thanked his audience for the impressive full and asked him "now if we want all the songs, the whole show, that we do not miss it. "

But the surprises did not stop: in the middle of the show, Julión climbed to the cornice of the building, previously prepared to sing directly to those who contemplated his presentation from the screen located on the square.

"The idea came to us from the first time we showed up here, we realized that there were 15,200 people listening without a screen," said the artist who went on to point out that it was a way to thank his disciples.

The singer took advantage of a moment of the concert to introduce his little girl and, hugging him, he made his debut in front of nearly 35,000 people.

Julión Álvarez has left the auditorium Benito Juárez several times to surprise the public present on the esplanade of the exhibition center.

At a press conference, Julión Álvarez said that he was following the judicial process in the United States and that he therefore could not publish a new record.

"We continue to record in a production that we can say that we already have the topics necessary to complete a production and put it on sale the day we will have the freedoms, with a lot of desire and with a lot of faith to be able to get a resolution positive in the United States. " United and able to have our platforms, freedoms to break this record ".

Godfather of the festivities of October

To commemorate the 53rd edition of Jalisco's most important fair, singer Julión Álvarez inaugurated the "Ramp of the Moons of October" in which are placed the photographs of the greatest teasing artists of this edition, like Ha * Ash, Caloncho, Lupita, Molotov, Alessio, Yuridia, Murten and Julión Álvarez.

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