June inflation, in line with the Banxico projection: Deputy Governor


The Vice Governor of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico), Javier Guzmán Calafell, said that inflation fell from 6.77% at the end of 2017 to 4.65% in June, according to the report. National Institute of Statistics and Geography. this Monday, according to the projections of the Mexican central bank.

He pointed out that he had a downward trajectory throughout 2018 and also pointed out that long-term inflation expectations remained stable, although about 3.5 percent.

According to the transcript of his speech at a seminar in London, broadcast by Banxico on his website, the deputy governor pointed out that the recent materialization of some upward risks might involve a revision of the period during the course of inflation should converge towards the goal of 3.0%.

However, he stressed, economic activity has not been significantly affected by politics. Banxico's monetary policy, as evidenced by the 33 consecutive quarters of positive annual growth in gross domestic product recorded at the beginning of 2018.


Guzmán Calafell estimated that the renegotiation of the Free Trade Agreement North American Exchange (NAFTA) offers the opportunity to update an agreement signed more than 20 years ago and to increase its benefits for the three member countries. "I hope that in the end, common sense prevails and that the scope and scope of the mutual gains will result in a stronger agreement and even deeper integration in the North American region." , he argued.

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