Justice dictated a preventive prison to a priest


Chilean justice has given the country's Catholic Church another setback, punctuated by numerous pedophilia scandals, with the order of preventive detention of the priest Oscar Muñoz, accused of sexual and sexual abuse. rape of at least seven minors.

Arrested Thursday in Santiago, Muñoz was transferred to the city of Rancagua (120 km south of Santiago), where a court ordered pre-trial detention for 180 days during the investigation.

This is the first case that a priest is arrested and brought to justice since last May, Pope Francis took corrective measures after the scandal engendered by the hiding of pedophile priests in the heart of the country. 39 Chilean Church.

The prosecutor of Rancagua, Emiliano Arias, presented the cases of five minors allegedly abused by Muñoz, while two others are under evaluation. The crimes, which according to the prosecutor have not yet been prescribed, cover the period 2002-2018 and reportedly were recorded in the cities of Santiago and Rancagua.

"All minors, with sexual inexperience, are victims who have been sexually assaulted, the home of the accused, at the victim's home while they were in his custody, for the confidence that He created with the victims and with the relatives of the victims, "said the prosecutor

Muñoz, a renowned priest of 56 years, he held positions of responsibility in the archbishopric of Santiago during of the last seven years and the right hand of Cardinal Ricardo Ezzati of the capital, sentenced to terms of up to 15 years in prison, according to Arias.

The defense of Muñoz is not it s & # 39 is opposed to pre-trial detention because "the wealth of information that the public prosecutor has formalized obviously merits further and deeper analysis," said Gabriel Henríquez, attorney of the priest e

Muñoz will remain in a cell in a prison of Rancagua away from the rest of the prison population to avoid being attacked given the nature of the charges.

The case adds to the wave of sexual abuse perpetrated by priests who were hidden by the hierarchies of the Chilean Church who led Pope Francis to ask several forgiveness and acknowledge the late reaction of the Vatican.

The priest was announced on January 2 – weeks before Pope Francisco's visit to Chile – for at least two cases of abuse before his superiors, for which he was suspended from office and his case was handed over to the Vatican Congregation of the Faith, which investigates cases of pedophilia. The Chilean church reported the case only last May.

The details of Muñoz's abuse were revealed after the case was one of the cases seized by the Chilean prosecutor's office in a surprise operation that took place in the offices of the Archdiocese of Santiago and Rancagua on 13 June.

In 2011, then Vice Chancellor of the Archdiocese, he supports the testimony of the accusers of the case of the influential priest Fernando Karadima, suspended from his life by the Vatican in 2013 By Pedophilia [19659003AfterbeingappointedChancelloroftheArchdioceseofSantiagohehadaccesstorecordsofsexualcomplaintsandknewthecourseofcanonicalinvestigationswithintheCatholicChurchwhichaccordingtotheprosecutionwouldhaveallowedhimtoprofile"casesofpedophiliainvolvingreligious"

After being appointed Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Santiago, he had access to the carpet of sexual denunciations and experienced the treatment of canonical investigations within the Catholic Church (AFP)
After being appointed Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Santiago, he had access to records of sexual complaints and experienced the treatment of canonical inquiries within the Catholic Church (AFP)
"Therefore, there is an important factor of impunity that the same subject was looking for himself and it is likely that for other cases," Arias said.

Prosecutor Arias said that he was also investigating possible actions of other religious. accomplices or accessories in this case as in other cases "is produced in Rancagua.

The prosecution also investigates a suspected network of pedophilia involving more than a dozen priests of Rancagua, who are suspended and also under investigation of the

In another case, the Sexual Investigation Police (IDP) Crime Squad raided the offices of the Temuco and Villarrica bishoprics offices on Friday in search of of documents following allegations of sexual abuse against five religious men and women, whom the bishops of both cities refused to surrender to the prosecution

The Chilean Catholic Church He saw his lowest hours through the rosary of denunciations of P. ederastia against the clergy and for his coverage by the ecclesiastical authorities who led Pope Francis to take personal letters in the matter.

Last May, F rancisco summoned all the Chilean bishops to the Vatican and at the end of the whole meeting. his resignation. Until now, the pope has only accepted the resignation of five prelates. Four of them are accused of concealing or ignoring allegations of sexual abuse of their subordinates.

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