Kate del Castillo sets a date for her return to Mexico


CITY OF MEXICO.- It seems that little by little the life of Kate del Castillo returns to normal, after the legal problems that she had to face in Mexico after her meeting with Sean Penn and the drug dealer Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, his father, Eric del Castillo, confirmed that the actress will return to Mexico before the end of 2018.

Manifested that this return in his homeland is due to the change of government, the first actor did not hide his congratulations for this news. "She will come to Christmas this year, and when this diet will pass and that the new will be we are very happy that she is with us at that time," said the actor in an interview for a Mexican newspaper. ] Eric del Castillo and the affectionate secret that he broadcast from Kate

According to Vanguardia's information, likewise, Don Eric pointed out that despite his famous daughter and could walk on the floor Mexican, his lawyers have recommended not to do so at the moment. "She may even come, but the lawyers tell her that it is not yet time any more than she is currently recording the second season of" The Queen of the South "and finishes recording towards October or November"

After being investigated by the Mexican government for its possible links with organized crime, Kate filed a complaint of investigation in the United States against the regime from his country, considering that violated his human rights

For now, the protagonist of the Ingobernable series continues to focus on his professional side and coexist with his family through the technology or with the visits that they make it to California, where she lives.

an interview that was made yesterday, arriving at his transitional home in the colony of Rome, AMLO was asked about the return of the actress in Mexico; "Of course, we must make sure that all Mexicans can act with absolute freedom," said López Obrador

"Ella (Kate del Castillo) and .] Every citizen deserves to be respected "said the elected candidate.

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