Keep osteoporosis away with these foods


Osteoporosis is the most common disease that occurs in the skeletal system due to calcium deficiency; This condition occurs after age 40 and is more common in women, and those who have it have a higher risk of breaking a bone; fractures of the hip, wrist or vertebrae are recurrent in this disease.

The body needs vitamin D of minerals calcium, protein, magnesium and phosphate to regenerate and maintain healthy bones; Here we present the main foods that help you prevent osteoporosis. (With the information of the Agencies)

Do you consume them already?


It contains vitamin K, which produces the protein called osteocalcin, which prevents malformations of the bone system. and you can find it in dark green leafy vegetables such as: spinach, broccoli, Swiss chard, lettuce, parsley, avocado and olive oil.

Fish and Seafood

Both oily fish (blue) and lean (white) fish are rich in vitamin D and promote the absorption of calcium, stimulate bone development, increase cell growth, in addition to improve the immune system and reduce inflammation. Salmon, tuna, sardines, sea trout and swordfish are a few options.

Whole Grains

They are much more nutritious than the refined versions and have greater digestion if they are soaked in mineral water for eight hours, such as: amaranth, whole wheat flour, bran and wheat germ, oats and rice. The ideal measure to consume is with the fist of your hand and take up to three servings a week.


These provide magnesium, a mineral that penetrates directly into the bones giving hardness, in addition to regulating calcium levels and facilitating the absorption of calcium. vitamin D . You can include walnuts, hazelnuts, pine nuts, sesame, pistachios and almonds in your diet; Do not forget to consume in moderation, because of its high caloric content.

Dairy Products

It is necessary to drink a glass of milk a day because it provides up to 290 mg of calcium or dairy equivalent to 40 grams of yogurt and 80 grams of cheese. If you are lactose intolerant, you can choose to consume soy milk, which also provides protein for its high phytoestrogen content.

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