"Keeping the Promise 2018" a Commitment to End HIV / AIDS in Mexico


CITY OF MEXICO, November 15 (AlmomentoMX) .- AHF Mexico AC (AIDS Foundation) officially launches its annual campaign "Keep the Promise" n ° MLP2018 with the participation of Natalia Sosa, Carlos "Chicken" Muñoz, Erik Hayser, Memo Méndez Guiu, Juan Manuel Torreblanca , Daniela Schmidt, Ophelia Pastrana and many others, who will join the course to deliver the message of prevention, early detection and HIV treatment in a timely manner.

According to the estimates of the United Nations AIDS (UNAIDS); in Mexico, the number of people living with the virus has quadrupled in the past 25 years, before Panorama's artists, writers and musicians add their voice and influence to the "Keep the Promise, AHF Mexico" campaign, which consists in spreading the prevention message to their followers through their concerts, social networks or special activations to bring about a change in habits to prevent the transmission of HIV.

In solidarity, participants are trained on HIV and AIDS by experts from FAD Mexico; many are surprised by the information, others are motivated to conduct a thorough investigation before the recording of their video message that will be broadcast for 15 days on all metro transit lines.

The participants' collaboration includes a series of messages with renewed language, intended for people of all ages, mainly to adopt as a principle of health the correct use of the condom and play a leading role in the prevention, detection and the attention of HIV.

We can contribute in different ways to stop HIV transmission in our country, to inform you and get tested for HIV with AHF Mexico.

Get informed and test HIV with AHF Mexico and together we will end HIV transmission in our country.

Information is the most important thing to prevent and detect HIV early. Find out and test at FAD Mexico.

Eliminate stigma by informing us about HIV. There are currently many forms of prevention. Get tested at AHF Mexico and help us keep the promise to end HIV. # AHFMéxico # ManténLaPromesa # MLP2018

"Confidence is our best language for addressing one of the most vulnerable sectors in terms of HIV, and as we do every year, we renew the campaign with new ideas and new ambassadors, able to influence the motivations of their followers. "said Nicole Finkelstein Mizrahi, country program officer, AHF MEXICO.

"Although this year we are celebrating the one million lives benefiting from HIV / AIDS care and services around the world, thanks to the network of global partner organizations of the FAD who are devoting their efforts to the expansion Quick Saving Treatments, Essential for making "Keep the Promise," a permanent proposition and commitment, I appreciate the participation of all the talents and its followers that this 2018 will provide time for this cause ".

"In 2018, Keep the Promise will be the key message that will be present in the hearts of all Mexicans concerned about a country without HIV / AIDS.We work to raise awareness through the impact of ambassadors on their supporters, where the simple A message about the fact that protected sex is passed directly to listeners or readers, "said Nicole Finkelstein.

For the AHF, reducing the number of cases of HIV transmission is the main focus of his work. Suffice it to say that in our country, the number of new cases reported increased by 12% in 2016, which does not include people living with HIV. they still do not know it because they have never applied quick test. In the organization, it is free and confidential, it is estimated that out of 10 cases living with HIV, 7 do not know it.

It is important to keep in mind that no one can contract the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, religious belief, socio-economic status or musical taste. Anyone with an active sex life is at risk.

The other personalities involved in the production of the videos are: Marco de la O, Laura Montijano, Muriel Ebright, Nashla Aguilar, Manu Nna, Sophie Alexander, Quique Galdeano, Alejandro Belmonte, Michelle Rodriguez, Paulina Sotomayor, Andres Zuno, Jerry Velazquez, Ana. Graham, Vicky Araico, Marco Leon, Eugenio Rubio, Diego del Rio, Joanna Larequi, Michelle Rodriguez, Alejandro Belmonte, Galo Bertin, Quique Galdeano, Enrique Alex, Capsium Orchestra (Carlos Toledo, Manuel Ortega H.), Sheyla Ferrer, Gabriela Pontones (Rasta), José Ahued.




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