Keri Russell joins "Star Wars: Episode IX"


July 6, 2018

The actress will reconnect with JJ Abrams, with whom she worked on "Mission: Impossible 3."

Facebook The Americans and Star Wars

This Friday, Variety magazine announced that Keri Russell, known for his lead roles in the series "Felicity" and "The Americans", it will be released in the episode nine of "Star Wars", which will start running later this month.

The film, originally to be directed by Colin Trevorrow and ultimately directed by JJ Abrams, marks a new collaboration between Abrams and Russell, who worked together in "Mission: Impossible 3" (2006).

(Video posted on YouTube by Elizabeth Bradneautz on August 3, 2015).

According to publication information, the role that Russell will play will have combat sequences, she has already demonstrated her ability for action scenes in "The Americans" and Bands as "Planet of the Monkeys: Confrontation."

Lucasfilm and the director [y escritor] examined several actresses for the role and decided on Russell shortly before July 4, the day of American independence.

Apparently, Abrams added two more actors to the cast before the filming Russell joined, we still do not know whether on the side of the First Order or the rebels, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver, the next generation of the saga located in a very distant galaxy

With information from Variety.

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