Key Advance for the Creation of Artificial Ovaries |


For the first time, Danish scientists succeeded in isolating immature oocytes and growing them on a scaffold of ovarian tissue deprived of their cells, which represents a considerable advance in the attempt to create artificial ovaries. to preserve the fertility of women who have to face treatments that could put them in danger, "said research coordinator Susanne Pors of the Rigshospitalet Reproductive Biology Laboratory in Copenhagen.

L & # 39; The goal is to enable women Cancer treatments safely maintain fertility, according to Ansa Currently, ovarian tissue is preserved before treatment and frozen for reimplantation.

However, noted Pors, this advance would "eliminate frozen ovarian tissue cells and transfer vital follicles could avoid the risk of reintroducing potentially present malignant cells into the original tissue."

The experiments were performed with the ovarian tissue taken by women who wanted to save him before facing cancer therapy.

The first step was to remove the cells present in the tissue by means of a chemical process, obtaining a scaffold in which the follicles were reimplanted. These were able to repopulate the tissue with cells.

The artificial ovary thus obtained was transferred to a mouse, demonstrating that it could withstand the growth of egg cells, with a very reduced risk for the transfer of malignant cells. Now, they will study how the ovary develops for six months.

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