Kidy, a search engine for kids with educational and fun results


When a child is sitting in front of a PC or using a device with Internet access, he or she has a high probability of seeing information that was not created for people of his / her age, which could mark them in a certain way. they have created functions to prevent minors from having access to sensitive information, it is almost impossible to close all available possibilities; In a way, this content can be slipped to reach them.

To take care of what kids see on the net, Kidy was created, a web browser that is created solely for use by babies.

It Works

Kidy, being child-oriented, manages the results of site-based research that can be used for children's education and entertainment.

This is a clever search engine: use the Google system this allows you to learn from our research to suggest sites that interest us. In the case of children, in addition to showing the results of websites that they may like, Kidy will block all adult content that kids should not consume eventually.

At all times, children's searches will be under different security layers:

To begin, use the Big G search filter to block everything that is pornography and violence.

Kidy will do another filtering to determine if the result is suitable for children.

all the results of the first page will be sites that will be used to learn, according to the terms of the research, and to play, if that is the case.

The only drawback that Kidy might have is that the sources that come from the searches they can always be the same, since they will be careful to show pages with adult content (of any kind), avoiding plurality.

In any case, it's worth trying Kidy and so networking greatly increase the chances that kids will see things that they should not. The worst that can happen is that they spend hours in front of the computer learning to study subjects.

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