Kill 5 in Donato Guerra, State of Mexico


Edomex.- In the community of San Simón de la Laguna, municipality of Donato Guerra, State of Mexico the death of five men was reported as a result of a confrontation with weapons fire.

The Office of the Attorney General of the State of Mexico (FGJEM) confirmed the deaths of five people; three bodies were located where there was likely a fight between the alcoholics, and two others died in a hospital of Valle de Bravo .

Mexican dependency explained that deaths occurred after a group of men who drank alcohol since Friday, had a road accident, against a group of armed men, who began the aggression.

Faced with the facts, the representative of the Party of the Democratic Revolution before the Electoral Institute of the State of Mexico (IEEM), Javier Rivera reports that he has a report of four militants of his party in this region, and that they were allegedly attacked by a commando of 30 armed men; in addition to being four others injured.

However, the State Attorney of Mexico City rejected the version offered by the PRD of the State of Mexico on an alleged attack on militants of his party for allegedly kept an area where there would be coercion of cast an electoral motive.

Reports indicate that at 4:30 pm this Saturday, a group of 30 gunmen, aboard a Cheyene Pick up wine, and a white Silverado van, attacked a group of PRD militants when they met in the community of San Simón de la Laguna, near the Barrio del Puerto.

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