Kill seven people at a party in Tlaquepaque


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Seven people killed, five women and two men who were apparently at a party, were located in an address in Colonia Francisco I. Madero, in the municipality of Tlaquepaque.

that several subjects entered the farm where the finalized persons celebrated a feast; After bursting into the house, the commando fired on the locals. After receiving a report, the Tlaquepaque Municipal Police arrived at the multihomicidio site, in Mariano Moreno Street, almost at its intersection with Francisco Villa, in the Cerro del Cuatro area, and confirmed that they were in the house where they were dead.


Forensic experts also located several 9 mm, 40 and 233 weapon envelopes.

According to reports received by the Municipal police, the assailants arrived in a black truck and a gray car with tinted windows and license plates of the State of Mexico, they also wore bulletproof vests, ski masks and long guns

The police gathered information or that several patrols of the municipal police and the single force carried out a search operation in the area.

Agents of Attack . By cons, in Guanajuato, five days after the killing of three police officers, another officer died yesterday and his companion was seriously injured by bullets fired on the Salamanca-Irapuato highway.

At around 10:30, officers of the State Public Security Forces (FSPE) were beaten by attackers in the vicinity of the community of San Vicente de las Flores.


The officer driving the vehicle lost He left the asphalt tape as a result of firing that he received from assailants, who had caught him on board at least one truck.

Paramedics who came to the scene found the officer dead and injured. woman of the security company, who was taken to a hospital.

The agents had completed their day's work in the single command of the state of Salamanca by the time they suffered the aggression.

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