Kim Jong-a visits the border with China


The North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un continues to emphasize the strengthening of economic ties with Beijing, after a second visit in a few days to the border with China, reported today. the government agency. KCNA

The North Korean leader visited a cosmetics factory located in the city of Sinuiju Capital of the Province of North Pyongyan (Northeast of the country) located on the south bank of the Yalu River, which separates the border between the two countries.

Sinuiju was designated in 2002 special economic zone by Kim Jong-il, deceased father of the current leader, in order to implement joint economic projects with Beijing.

However, the execution in 2013 of the political uncle of North Korean leader Jang Song-thaek, a character very close to Beijing, meant freezing these projects.

During the visit of the cosmetics factory, Kim was led by his wife, Ri Sol-ju, and again by Kim Song-nam, first deputy director of the international department of the Workers Party and regarded as the head of relations with China within the formation

Kim has already accompanied the leader during another visit to the border, reported by KCNA on Saturday.

This is how Kim made a second sign in two days to Chinese President Xi Jinping. with which the North Korean Marshal has met three times this year, highlighting a significant improvement in ties after a tense relationship of five years.

After the escalation of tension last year in the face of continuous testing of weapons Pyongyang Beijing – its main trading partner – implemented the UN sanctions on the North Korean regime, although he urged him to start lifting them after diplomatic trick Kim Jong-un bet on it. 9008] Since the beginning of the year, the young North Korean leader has met twice with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and another with the President of the United States, Donald Trump with whom he signed two statements working to achieve the "total denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula.

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