Know the smart box that detects the fall of your phone


Currently, it is normal for cell phones to fall to the ground with our hands or our pockets, which in the slightest case will cause a scratch on the screen or, at worst, that the phone may be damaged. device becomes unusable; but just to avoid this kind of situation, we created a smart case that protects the mobile

Philip Frenzel, engineer at the University of Aalen in Germany, designed a case prototype that dampens the move of the mobile. At the time of the fall, Frenzel's invention earned him the highest award from the German Mechatronics Society, which helps and promotes the projects that students around the world are building.

The carcass in question functions as an airbag for the telephone, which will bounce the cell without having a scratch, because the corner horns that are part of it

mechanism of the "housing" contains eight thin metal springs, two in each corner that activate and curl when you know that the phone will fall thanks to the proximity sensor in Terno with which account, softening the hard blow against the concrete .

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Once the cell phone is collected, it's about doubling the springs in their respective corners and keeping it with more care to avoid future falls and excessive monetary expenses which from time to time, s & # Prove useless.

To obtain the innovative invention, it will be necessary to wait a few months until Philip Frenzel registers the patent. high, although it should be noted that Philip himself has promoted his invention with shirts that contain the image of the case and commenting that it will soon be for sale

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