Korean denounces harassment during the celebration of Mexicans


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In an interview for El Universal, Mi Young Yu is a Korean immigrant who has a restaurant in the historic center because of the harassment of Mexicans, after South Korea he won in Germany and so the Round of 16 of Mexico ended.

"Hundreds of people asked him for photos, they gave him kisses and they cheered in the streets, but the euphoria seemed to be a justification for invading their privacy," said the husband of the Korean woman.

Mi Young walked for the angel of independence, people asked for photos, which he accessed without any problem. When he arrived at his workplace, the fans approached him more and they did it "holding the tip of his eyes with his index fingers."

The rest of the day was uncomfortable for Mi Young, who continued to eat quietly despite the harassment of Mexican fans. Even the Japanese were offended, because in the social networks they confused them with the Koreans: "The Japanese friends were offended because in the streets they were shouted to them by the Koreans and although in general the expressions d & # 39; appreciation seemed authentic, for her they were offensive. "

The celebrations reached the South Korean Embassy … the assistants urinated in the bushes of the diplomatic hall, reported El Universal.

Twitter of @miseleccionmx

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