Last minute: If you have "stole" it! Barcelona signed Malcolm and left Rome


Malcom had practically arranged everything to get to Rome and he stopped all negotiations with Italian photography by discovering the cultivated interest.

Barcelona, ​​Spain –

The Barcelona officializes the signature of the Brazilian Malcom of Girondins of Bordeaux arrived on seasons in exchange of 41 million euros and another pair of variables.

The footballer, who had practically arranged everything to reach the Rome stopped any negotiations with the Italian party when he learned the interest abut .

With a clause d & # 3939; cancellation of 400 million euros and the same salary offered by Rome ( 2.5 million euros ), Malcom will visit Barcelona to make his presentation and then it will be reported in the United States with his new team.

The end of 21 years became the third addition of the Spanish club joining his compatriot Arthur and Lenglet .


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