Late diagnosis in patients with cancer of the head and neck


Six out of ten patients with head and neck cancer are diagnosed at an advanced stage because of the few symptoms they present and confusion that they are the same,

"Unfortunately, two-thirds of people are diagnosed in the advanced stages of the disease," said the oncologist at the National Cancer Institute of Mexico.

According to the doctor, Dr. Miguel Ángel Álvarez Avitia. The WHO head and neck is the seventh most common type of cancer and causes about 300,000 deaths a year.

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In Mexico, it represents 17.6% of tumors and it is estimated that 6000 new cases occur each year, causing 2,300 deaths per year.

The specialist explained that among the main risk factors to suffer, there is alcohol, tobacco and human papillomavirus (HPV).

"Until a few years ago, it was thought that it was produced twice as much in men than in women, but the consumption of alcohol and tobacco was rose in women, in addition to the relationship with the HPV so that we can say that now the prevalence is equal in genera, "he said.

The specialist explained that this disease ] squamous cells lining the wet surfaces and mucous membranes inside the head and neck.

It usually occurs in the mouth larynx, pharynx and to a lesser extent in the nose and glands.

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Although at its earliest stage does not produce much symptoms the specialist says that patients often feel pain to eat , shortness of breath. talk, hoarseness, feeling of obstruction, shortness of breath.

The specialist noted that because of the few symptoms the diagnosis is complicated, and patients may take up to four months for to be diagnosed . 19659002] "The problem is that since many patients are chronic smokers, when they have hoarseness they think it's because of smoking and this is not the case," he said.

Another problem in the late ] is that patients do not arrive with the correct specialist .

"First-level doctors in the initial assessment minimize the symptoms, sometimes patients go to dentists and not to specialists who can give them an adequate diagnosis," said Alvarez .

The specialist said that there is an injury in the oral cavity and that it does not give in two months It is necessary to consult a oncologist .

He said that to avoid becoming aware of the cessation of smoking and alcohol, in addition to improving the suspicion of diagnosis among health professionals, Similarly, we consider a multidisciplinary treatment of the disease.

Avitia Álvarez said that when this condition is detected in the early stages, the treatments are simple they require surgery and radiotherapy, which is also applied in advanced stages

Currently, there is innovative treatments such as immunotherapies that act directly on the immune system, prolong survival "Unfortunately, these are therapies that are not available to the entire population, making it difficult for patients who n & # 39; Do not have access to these drugs, "lamented the specialist. "

On July 27, World Cancer Day was commemorated in order to attract the world's attention and raise awareness of this disease." EFEUSA

In this note: [19659022] Cancer of the head
  • Oncology
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