Late diagnosis of hepatitis can lead to liver cancer


The Director of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the State Government, Marco Aurelio Gamba Aguilera, explained that hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by a virus transmitted through contact with blood or other liquids. the bodily harm of an infected person who, when he causes chronic infection, develops into cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer and liver failure, and may even cause death

This disease represents a global health problem and is calculated from 5 to 8% of the world's population has been infected with the hepatitis B virus. About 350 million people are chronic carriers of HBV and about 600,000 people die each year from complications. of acute or chronic hepatitis B.

"The severity ranges from non-manifest forms that are detected only by liver function tests to fulminant and fatal cases of acute hepatic necrosis and for the prevention of this. disease in the state the vaccine against hepatitis B is applied to children and to this population with certain risk factors such as workers and students in the health zone; patients who will be or are dialysed or hemodialysis, patients who receive frequent transfusions who are hemophilia, kidney failure or cancer. "

This group of patients with some risk is taken by all who have been transplant recipients , HIV-infected people, cohabitants with hepatitis B virus surface antigen carriers, captive population groups living in asylums, psychiatric hospitals, prison s, adolescents and adults diagnosed with sexually transmitted infections intravenous drug users. People with unsafe sexual practices and unvaccinated individuals with hepatitis B who have injuries with contaminated or unknown needles or instruments.

In the health department of San Luis Potosí, the vaccine against hepatitis B is used girls and boys under 5 years, and the diet consists of three doses, the first is preferably applied in the first hours of birth and in such extreme cases is applied in the first days of life, the second one applies two months after the birth of the child and a third to six months.

In cases where newborns have not been vaccinated in the first seven days of life, the vaccine is administered 2, 4 and 6 months of age and this is only this moment that it becomes necessary to apply the three doses in this specific periodicity to completely protect it.

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